+44 (0) 1925 750271


Steps relies entirely on voluntary donations to fund its work.  But it’s not just individual contributions that we need.  Your company could make a huge difference to families affected by childhood leg conditions too.  Here are some of the things you or your employer could do.  Please contact us if you’d like to find out more.

Charity of the Year

Many companies, large and small, choose a charity that they’d like to support for a year (or maybe longer…). This may be done by a staff vote, a charity committee or it might be left to senior management.  The charity then provides a focus for a range of staff and customer fundraising – providing lots of opportunities for social events, staff development and customer engagement.

As the leading charity in its field, with a clear focus on its mission a track record of achievement on limited resources, we believe that we’d be a great Charity of the Year for you!  And if you’re not sure whether your company has a Charity of the Year, or how it’s chosen, then do ask someone in the right place in your organisation.  We’d really like to work with you – and them!

Cause-Related Marketing

We’re recognised as the leader in our field and we’re very proud of what we do.  Whatever field your company is in, we’d like to think that you feel pretty good about it too.  The chances are that that could make us a very good match for each other.

Customers love to know that the products and services they buy do some good in the community too.  There are countless examples of a charity and company working together, resulting in funds for the charity and increased sales and customer loyalty for the company.  It sounds like a cliché – but it’s a win-win situation.

We’d love to talk to you about Steps working with your company, to create a really successful commercial partnership!

Corporate Grants

If you’re a small company which doesn’t yet feel able to have a Charity of the Year, you can still make grants to charity, as a way of enhancing your own reputation and doing some good in the community.

On the other hand, some larger companies have established grant-making trusts, to which they give a proportion of their profits annually.  Charities, like Steps, can then apply to receive a grant from the trust, depending on any criteria involved.

Either way, you can be sure that any grant we receive will be put to great use.  We manage our funds carefully, keep costs as low as possible and spend our money in ways that we believe will make the greatest difference to families affected by serious childhood leg conditions.

Matched Giving

Some companies run a “Matched Giving Scheme” which means that they will make a donation to Steps equal to the amount of money that you have raised. As well as asking your friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you, ask your company too, to see if they’re prepared to match your fundraising efforts! If they aren’t able to match your donation, they might at least make a contribution.

Payroll giving

This is the simplest way for employees to give a regular donation in support of Steps. It is easy and tax-efficient and costs the employer nothing. Gifts are taken directly out of earnings before tax is deducted – so every pound donated comes to us in full. If you don’t already offer payroll giving, then contact us about how to make it happen.  You’ll wonder why you hadn’t done it before!

Gifts in Kind

Does your company have any equipment or products which it no longer requires? Or do you work for a company that produces goods? If so, why not give us a call to see if we can make good use of them?