How to get involved with Clubfoot Awareness Month in June
There are so many ways you can get involved to raise awareness and support Steps, take a look at our list – there’s something for everyone!
#1000FootChallenge #1000Mile Challenge
We invite you, your family, your friends or your work colleagues to pledge to walk, run, cycle, scoot, climb or even row a boat for 1000 feet to support Clubfoot Awareness Month. As well as setting yourself a great challenge, all donations will go straight back into helping raise awareness and giving much-needed support to those affected by clubfoot.
Why not order a Steps t-shirt to wear during your challenge!
Celebrate Dr Ponseti’s birthday 3rd June – #1000ThankYousDrPonseti
Take part in our 1000 thank yous colouring-in event
Celebrate Dr Ponseti, inventor of the Ponseti method to treat clubfoot, by helping Steps create a virtual collage and have fun colouring in at the same time. Download our World Clubfoot Day thank you sheet and decorate it any way you like! Don’t forget to send us a photo to so we can make our collage.
Change your social media profile photo
Help raise awareness and show your support to thousands of families and children affected by lower limb conditions by changing your social media profile photos during Clubfoot Awareness Month.
Share your stories
We would love to share your stories, so please send them to us at They are a source of comfort and inspiration. You might also contact a local magazine or newspaper or send it to us to submit to our media contacts.

Why is Clubfoot Awareness Month so important?
Every day 500 babies are born worldwide with a condition called Congenital Talipes Equino Varus, commonly known as Clubfoot or Talipes.
The majority of babies born with clubfoot live in lower- and middle-income countries where their families cannot access treatment, without which they face a lifetime severely affected by clubfoot, experiencing ongoing pain, limited mobility, and reduced opportunities in education, employment and relationships.
Until relatively recently in certain countries, children that were able to access healthcare were treated with major surgery. The results from surgery were often ineffective. Increasingly more and more evidence indicates that the longer term impact of cases that were initially considered successful outcomes were also poor, leaving the feet of patients stiff and painful over time.
World Clubfoot Day takes place on 3 June and this marks the Birthday of Dr Ignacio Ponseti – the pioneer of a global, minimally invasive and successful treatment for Talipes/Clubfoot.
The Ponseti method involves a specific casting technique followed by a strict routine requiring a boots and bar brace. The results have been remarkable, when treatment is performed by specially trained practitioners. Poor technique and straying from the correct wearing of the boots and bar can lead to poor results.
To date there is still no governing body to ensure that practitioners are adequately trained to carry out the treatment according to the Ponseti Method and guidance. With the impact of COVID-19 and the delay in starting the treatment, it is of vital importance that the correct techniques and protocols are followed.
Steps, along with members of the Global clubfoot initiative have set out a comprehensive approach, tackling the issue of clubfoot on a global scale through developing and supporting national clubfoot programs providing the highly effective Ponseti treatment.
Steps equally recognises the vital role that parents play in ensuring compliance with boots and bar. A key priority for Steps remains enhancement of guidance and support to parents and adults from diagnosis to treatment and aftercare.