Oliver, now 12 years old, was born with Unilateral Talipes on his left foot. He went through the Ponseti method from birth which has allowed him to lead a normal life full of sport and activity. Oliver is currently undergoing treatment for a slight relapse.
Aaron, now 8 weeks old, was diagnosed with Bilateral Talipes at our 20-week scan. Aaron has been in casts since he was 8 days old and has undergone a Tenotomy operation recently which is also part of the Ponseti method. He will then go into boots and bars, full time (23hrs a day) for 3 months and will then graduate to part-time wear (night times and naps) until he is 5 years old.
Following receiving the news about Aaron, I got in touch with Steps who offered their help and support, allowing us to speak to other parents who have gone through the same journey and also given us more information about the journey of Ponseti and other treatments they may face in the future which has given us reassurance and made us feel more confident in understanding Talipes.
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