Will has undergone operations on both feet to treat relapses of clubfoot.
Talipes / Clubfoot
George and Henry’s clubfoot/talipes story
Brothers George and Henry were both born with clubfoot/talipes.
Lucinda and James’ clubfoot story
James was diagnosed with clubfoot at Mum Lucinda's 20-week scan.
Fin’s story – born with clubfoot/talipes now a Paralympic hopeful
Oscar’s Talipes Story
Oscar was born with bilateral talipes equinovarus. According to Daisy, Oscar's Mum, he "had a very severe case, to the...
Oillies Story
Many years ago I was having my first scan with my 3rd child. Having had 2 healthy happy children already, my husband...
Lauren’s Story
I am currently a Miss Scotland 2019 finalist and while I have already been fundraising for my childhood hospital, the...
Libbi’s Story
Talipes - Our story Our daughter Libbi is 3 and half years old and she has talipes. The journey we have been on with...
Max’s Story
From CLUBFOOT To CHAMPION Hi, I’m Louise & I’m Maxs’ Mum. I will never forget (although over 22 years ago!) that...