My name is Jill, I’m 46 and I walk differently. I have DDH which means my hips didn’t form properly before I was born.
I was born in 1971 with severe bi-lateral DDH (then called CDH). I believe some of the surgery I had was quite new then.
I’m currently on a personal journey to understand myself better, and how my different-ability has influenced who I am today.
I have recently started a blog called with the objective of raising awareness of living with a ‘different’ way of walking – a personal story of how DDH has impacted me physically and emotionally. But also to show that despite this, I’ve lived, and continue to live a very full life. Which may be useful for parents whose children have been diagnosed and worry about where their life will go. The blog is focused around setting myself walking challenges to raise money for Steps and I also publish it on facebook:
If you are an adult with DDH have a look at Jill’s blog and Facebook page. She is a huge inspiration as I am sure you will agree. Also, well done Jill on your 10K
To support Jill, you can donate to her page here – Your donation will help us to continue to research and support both children and adults with DDH.