Steps congratulates Love Island contestant Hugo, and calls for gold standard care for clubfoot
Responding to the announcement that Hugo Hammond, who was born with clubfoot (talipes) is to be the first disabled contestant on Love Island, Loredana Guetg-Wyatt, Managing Director of Steps said:
“We’re absolutely delighted to see that a young man with this disability is appearing on Love Island – showing just what full lives, in every respect, that people with clubfoot can lead. And he’s certainly not the only one; we work closely with a young UK para-athlete who’s also studying for a PhD, a photographer who’s travelled the world, runners, Premiership football players and many more.

“We also know that the better the treatment that children get, the more chances they have of life without complications later on, which is why we’re calling on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to make the Ponseti method its official recommendation. Our motto is ‘we don’t take walking for granted’ and we want all children with talipes to get the gold standard of care.”
- Around one in every 1,000 children born in the UK is affected by talipes, and in half this number both feet are affected. It is twice as common in boys as in girls. If it is not treated properly it can result in long-term pain and disability.
- The Ponseti method involves gradually correcting the foot by a combination of manipulation, plaster casts, a minor surgical procedure and a foot brace. Over the past 20 years it has become widespread practice in the UK, though not universally adopted.
- Steps is the major charity supporting children affected by lower limb conditions. It has comprehensive information for parents and professionals on a range of conditions, available at
Image credit: Hugo Hammond on Instagram